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What to expect and what is happening...
Maundy Thursday Communion meal
Enjoy a meal in remembrance of the Passover meal that Jesus shared with his disciples. The meal will conclude with shared communion. Afterwards the TENEBRRAE service will begin upstairs in the sanctuary.
fellowship hall

a service of darkness 3/28
We gather to remember Christ's arrest and trial in preparation for Good Friday through a service of spoken word, music, and candlelight.
Good Friday
stations of the Cross 3/29
Experience the walk to the cross with Christ through a collection of various fine art reproductions. This is an experiential, self-led, meditation.
open from 12-7pm

Family Festival Breakfast
easter morning celebration 3/31
Enjoy food, fellowship, and an easter egg hunt for the "littles" in the sanctuary. Please sign up or contact the church office so we can ensure plenty of food and fun for all!
Fellowship Hall
9:15 am
worship and rejoice for HE IS RISEN 3/31
A service of joy, music and inspiration. Children are welcome and encouraged to be a part of worship (and our nursery will also be open for infant-preschool if preferred)