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pastor mike and nicole

1.3.21 Happy New Year!

Good morning church, and Happy New Year!

I took a week of vacation this past week to rest and to listen.

Before the pandemic this wasn't a big deal because we have so many gifted teachers in our congregation who are able to come alongside of Jackie and our elders to lead worship on Sunday mornings.

However since the pandemic, Sunday mornings have become a lot more intensive due to the amount of recording and video editing alongside the preparation of the message. For this reason, I am attaching a link to the church that Nicole and I worked at and attended in Pittsburgh. I would invite you to join them tomorrow morning for worship. The link should take you to their YouTube channel, and if you click on the most current video you will find tomorrow mornings worship. I hope you enjoy.

I'll see you again next week, with a new series on Heaven.

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