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10.10.20 Friday Prayer List & Announcements

pastor mike and nicole

While we have resumed in-person worship on Sunday mornings, we will not be handing out paper bulletins. In lieu of the list of prayer concerns that would normally be found on our bulletin insert, we will be sending out an emailed list of prayer concerns each Friday.

If you know of someone who should be added to this list,

please email the details to

or to

Secretary Nancy Pallo at

To have a request included in the Friday Prayer List, please submit it before noon on Thursday.


Krista Bessleman -- friend of Jackie Bach, breast cancer

Rich Bobbie -- friend of Dale Dilley, lung cancer treatments

Brooke -- friend of Leo Scott, cancer treatments

Rev. Kevin Haley -- friend of Karen Swanson, thyroid cancer

Shirley Jenkins -- restarting chemo treatments

Rhonda Moats -- daughter of Bonnie Cousins, breast cancer, neuropathy in hands and feet

Joan Morrison -- sister of Dave Heidelbach, surgery for brain tumor

Tom Ochs -- friend of Elaine Auchter, cancer

Quoilla -- aunt of Geri Anderson's son-in-law, pneumonia & COVID

Sean -- Terry Stowe's cousin, cancer

Janie Wiegle -- recovering from breast cancer

Mark Yurcich -- recovering from stroke, blood clots, infection, but doing much better


WORSHIP TIMES -- At this time, we are providing two opportunities on Sunday mornings to gather for in-person worship. The first service begins at 9:00 am, and the second begins at 11:00 am. We are encouraging those under 65 to attend the earlier service and those 65 and older to attend the later, but this is not a mandate. You can choose the service that is most convenient for you. These will be two identical services.  

ALTAR FLOWERS -- This Sunday's altar flowers are presented by Connie Muna in memory of her mom, dad, and grandma.

J.O.Y. ZOOM BIBLE STUDY -- Tuesdays at 1:00 pm. If you'd like to participate, contact Tom Swanson at

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